/ Afred's Blog / java memcache客户端过期时间设置

java memcache客户端过期时间设置

2013-12-21 posted in [我见过很多bug]


  public boolean set(String key, Object value, Integer hash) {
	        return set("set",key,value, null, hash);


 public boolean set(String key, Object value, Date expiry) {
        return set("set",key,value,expiry,null);


try {
	 String cmd = cmdname + " " + key + " " + flags + " " +
	 expiry.getTime() / 1000 + " " + val.length + "\r\n";
	 String tmp = sock.in().readLine();
	 if (tmp.equals("STORED")) {
	  if (debug) {
	   System.out.println("MemCache: " + cmdname + " " + key + " = " + val);
	        return true;
	  } else {
	   System.out.println("MemCache:" + cmd + tmp);
	        } catch (IOException e) {

这里可以看到expiry.getTime() / 1000可就是说expriy的单位是毫秒,但是这个时间是相对时间还是绝对时间,现在从客户单api看不出来了,只能通过看memcache服务端代码:

#define REALTIME_MAXDELTA 60*60*24*30
 * given time value that's either unix time or delta from current unix time, return
 * unix time. Use the fact that delta can't exceed one month (and real time value can't
 * be that low).
static rel_time_t realtime(const time_t exptime) {
    /* no. of seconds in 30 days - largest possible delta exptime */
    if (exptime == 0) return 0; /* 0 means never expire */
    if (exptime > REALTIME_MAXDELTA) {
        /* if item expiration is at/before the server started, give it an
           expiration time of 1 second after the server started.
           (because 0 means don't expire).  without this, we'd
           underflow and wrap around to some large value way in the
           future, effectively making items expiring in the past
           really expiring never */
        if (exptime <= process_started)
            return (rel_time_t)1;
        return (rel_time_t)(exptime - process_started);
    } else {
        return (rel_time_t)(exptime + current_time);


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